* @fileOverview Houses the core [nb2json](module-convert.html#.nb2json) function and accompanying utils.
* Functions exposed from [browser](module-Ipynb2web_browser.html) and [node](module-Ipynb2web_node.html).
* Where processing happens
* - -1 - Calling nb2json - yaml filename returned gets formatted
* - 0 - nb2json - meta.filename is fixed up right before returning too
* - 0 - nb2json - meta.prettify inserts script
* - 0 - nb2json - replaceEmojies
* - 0 - nb2json - convertNotes
* - 1 - get_metadata - yaml is parsed, title, summary, keyValues set
* @module convert
* @exports {Object} - An object containing utility functions.
* @author Charles Karpati
import { marked } from "marked";
import { makeDetails, replaceEmojis, convertNotes, replaceAndLog } from './convert_util.mjs'
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// fname = ./src/ipynb/route/filename (wihout the .ipynb extension, when server calling it)
// fname = /route/filename when from client
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
let prettify = false;
let pyCode = [];
* Converts a Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb) file to a JSON object containing metadata and content as two distinct entries.
* @async
* @param {string} ipynbPath - The path to the Jupyter Notebook file.
* @param {boolean} [verbose=false] - If set to true, enables verbose logging for detailed information.
* @returns {Object} An object with metadata and processed content of the notebook.
* @memberof module:convert
async function nb2json(ipynbPath, verbose = false) {
pyCode = []
prettify = false;
let url = ipynbPath;
if (typeof process !== "undefined" && !ipynbPath.startsWith("http")) {
url = `http://localhost:8085/${ipynbPath}.ipynb`;
let ipynb = await fetch(url, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8" } });
const nb = await ipynb.json();
const meta = get_metadata(nb.cells[0]);
meta.filename = ipynbPath.split("/")[ipynbPath.split("/").length - 1].toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "_");
verbose && console.log('- get_metadata', meta, '\n');
// Convert file
let content = convertNb(nb.cells.slice(1), meta).flat().join(" ");
verbose && pyCode.length && console.log({ pyCode });
meta.pyCode = pyCode;
(meta.prettify || prettify) &&
(content += `
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/google/code-prettify@master/loader/run_prettify.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.rawgit.com/google/code-prettify/master/styles/desert.css"/>
verbose && console.log('- - content Ran ~~~~~~~~~~~', content, '~~~~~~~~~~~\n');
let resp = replaceEmojis(content);
verbose && console.log('- - replaceEmojis Ran', '\n');
return { meta, content: resp };
* Extracts metadata from the first cell of a Jupyter Notebook, interpreting it as YAML.
* Get markdown and check EACH LINE for yaml. Special characters must have a space after them.
* The Lines:
* ```
* # Title
* > summary
* - key1: value1"
* ```
* Will return:
* ```
* { title: "Title", summary: "summary", key1: "value1" }
* ```
* @param {Object[]} data - An array of cells from a Jupyter Notebook.
* @returns {Object} An object containing extracted metadata like title, summary, and key-values.
function get_metadata(data) {
const returnThis = {};
for (const line of data.source) {
if (line.startsWith("#")) {
returnThis.title = line.replaceAll("\n", "").replaceAll("# ", "", 2);
} else if (line.startsWith(">")) {
returnThis.summary = line.replaceAll("\n", "").replaceAll("> ", "", 1);
} else if (line.startsWith("-")) {
const key = line.slice(line.indexOf("- ") + 2, line.indexOf(": "));
const val = line
.slice(line.indexOf(": ") + 2)
.replaceAll("\n", "")
returnThis[key] = val;
return returnThis;
* Processes each cell of a Jupyter Notebook and returns an array of converted content.
* @param {Object[]} cells - An array of cells from a Jupyter Notebook.
* @param {Object} meta - Metadata associated with the notebook.
* @param {boolean} [verbose=false] - If set to true, enables verbose logging for detailed information.
* @returns {string[]} An array of strings representing the processed content of each cell.
function convertNb(cells, meta, verbose = false) {
verbose && console.log('- convertNb Running');
return cells.map((c) => cleanCell(c, meta));
* Processes an individual cell from a Jupyter Notebook, handling either markdown or code cells.
* Returns text or passes cell to 'code cell' processor
* @param {Object} cell - A cell from a Jupyter Notebook.
* @param {Object} meta - Metadata associated with the notebook.
* @param {boolean} [verbose=false] - If set to true, enables verbose logging for detailed information.
* @returns {string} The processed content of the cell.
function cleanCell(cell, meta, verbose = false) {
verbose && console.log('- - cleanCell Running');//, cell ,'\n');
let x;
if (cell["cell_type"] == "markdown") {
verbose && console.log('- - - Parsing Markdown');
x = processMarkdown(cell["source"].join(" "))
} else {
x = processCode(cell, meta);
return x;
* Processes markdown content, converting it to HTML, handling special syntax, and applying transformations.
* @param {string} x - The markdown content to be processed.
* @returns {string} The processed HTML content.
function processMarkdown(x) {
// check if matches regex: (((key1::value1))) and replace with aside
x = x.replace(/\(\(\((.*?)::(.*?)\)\)\)/g, function (match, key, value) {
if (key == 'note') { return match }
return `<aside class="${key}">${value}</aside>`;
x = marked.parse(x)
// wrap li's in a div or p
x = x.replace(/<li>(.*?)<\/li>/g, (match, innerContent) => {
const containsBlockLevel = /<(p|div|blockquote|pre|hr|form)/.test(innerContent);
let returnThis = `<li>${containsBlockLevel ? `<div>${innerContent}</div>` : `<p>${innerContent}</p>`}</li>`
return returnThis;
// replace code blocks with pre.prettyprint
x = replaceAndLog(x, /<pre><code>([\s\S]*?)<\/code><\/pre>/g, () => { prettify = true; "<pre class='prettyprint'>$1</pre>" });
x = replaceAndLog(x, /<code>([\s\S]*?)<\/code>/g, () => { prettify = true; "<pre class='prettyprint'>$1</pre>" });
// local redirects pingServer
x = replaceAndLog(x, /<a\s+(?:[^>]*?\s+)?href="(.*?)"/g, (match, href) => {
// open links in new tab
if (!href.startsWith("./")) {
match += ' onclick="window.pingServer(this)" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow"';
return match;
x = convertNotes(x);
return x
* Processes a code cell from a Jupyter Notebook, applying various transformations based on flags and output type.
* Calls [getFlags](module-convert.html#.getFlags), [processSource](module-convert.html#.processSource), [processOutput](module-convert.html#.processOutput)
* @param {Object} cell - A code cell from a Jupyter Notebook.
* @param {Object} meta - Metadata associated with the notebook.
* @param {boolean} [verbose=false] - If set to true, enables verbose logging for detailed information.
* @returns {string[]} An array of strings representing the processed content of the code cell.
function processCode(cell, meta, verbose = false) {
verbose && console.log('- - - processCode Running');
let x = [];
let flags = [];
// source
if (cell["source"].length) {
verbose && console.log('- - - - Raw Input Source', cell['source'])
let source = cell["source"];
flags = getFlags(source[0]);
verbose && console.log('- - - - - Flags: ', flags);
if (flags.length > 0) { source = source.slice(1) }
source = processSource(source.join(" "), flags, meta);
// output
if (cell["outputs"].length) {
verbose && console.log('- - - - Raw Process Outputs', cell['outputs'])
for (let o of cell["outputs"]) {
x.push(processOutput(o, flags));
verbose && console.log('- - - - - processOutput: ', x);
// clear_output();
verbose && console.log('- - - processCode Ran');
return x;
* Detects special flags in the source code of a notebook cell and handles them accordingly.
* @memberof module:convert
* @param {string} source - The source code of a notebook cell.
* @returns {string[]} An array of detected flags in the cell's source code.
function getFlags(source) {
const input_aug = [
const sourceFlags = source.split(/\s+/); // Split by whitespace
return input_aug.filter((x) => sourceFlags.includes(x));
* Processes the source of a code cell, applying transformations based on flags and metadata.
* Strip Flags from text, make details, hide all. Append to pyCode
* @memberof module:convert
* @param {string} source - The source code of a notebook cell.
* @param {string[]} flags - An array of flags affecting the processing.
* @param {Object} meta - Metadata associated with the notebook.
* @param {boolean} [verbose=false] - If set to true, enables verbose logging for detailed information.
* @returns {string} The processed source code.
function processSource(source, flags, meta, verbose = false) {
if ('#export' == flags[flags.length - 1]) { pyCode.push(source); }
for (let lbl of flags) {
let skipList = ["#hide", "#hide_input", "%%javascript", "%%html", "%%capture"]
if (skipList.includes(lbl)) { return ""; }
if (meta.prettify) { source = `<pre class='prettyprint'>${source}</pre>`; }
let flagg = flags && !!flags.includes('#collapse_input_open')
if (flagg) {
verbose && console.log(flags)
for (let lbl of flags) {
source = source.replaceAll(lbl + "\r\n", "");
source = source.replaceAll(lbl + "\n", ""); // Strip the Flag
if (lbl == "#collapse_input_open") source = makeDetails(source, true);
else if (lbl == "#collapse_input") source = makeDetails(source, false);
return source;
* Processes the output of a code cell, applying transformations based on flags and output type.
* Strip Flags from output, make details, hide all.
* @function processOutput
* @memberof module:convert
* @param {Object} source - The output of a code cell.
* @param {string[]} flags - An array of flags affecting the processing.
* @param {boolean} [verbose=false] - If set to true, enables verbose logging for detailed information.
* @returns {string} The processed output content.
function processOutput(source, flags, verbose = false) {
if (source["output_type"] == "error") {
return "";
if (source["output_type"] == "stream") {
if (source["name"] == "stderr") {
return "";
source["data"] = { "text/html": source["text"] };
const keys = Object.keys(source["data"]);
if (keys.includes("text/html")) {
source = source["data"]["text/html"];
source = source.join("");
} else if (keys.includes("application/javascript")) {
source = "<script>" + source["data"]["application/javascript"] + "</script>";
} else if (keys.includes("image/png")) {
source = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' + source["data"]["image/png"] + "\" alt='Image Alt Text'>";
} else if (keys.includes("text/plain")) {
source = !/<Figure/.test(source["data"]["text/plain"]) ? source["data"]["text/plain"] : "";
for (let lbl of flags) {
try {
source = source.replaceAll(lbl + "\r\n", "");
source = source.replaceAll(lbl + "\n", "");
} catch {
verbose && console.log("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!processOutput... ", typeof source, source);
if (lbl == "#collapse_output_open") {
source = makeDetails(source, true);
if (lbl == "#collapse_output") {
source = makeDetails(source, false);
if (lbl == "#hide_output") {
source = "";
if (lbl == "#hide") {
source = "";
return source;
//output_type == 'stream' ==> text
//output_type == 'display_data' ==> data{'application/javascript' or 'text/html' or 'execute_result'}
export { nb2json, get_metadata, convertNb }