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Convert Python Notebooks to Web-Templatable Assets.

Made for the web

Made for the web

Convert your .ipynb docs into web-templatable json assets with the use of a single command.

Minimally Opinionated

Minimally Opinionated

Ipynb2web's BYO-Template approach means no more fighting a design choice Build your own design or integrate into existing tools.

Focus on What Matters

Focus on What Matters

Built to handle gritty details other notebook conversion tools leave out. Auto remove system logs, warnings, error messages, and more.

For all environments

For all environments

Render assets on the server or in the browser; Using Modules, Vanilla JS, and even your terminal.

Powerful Markup

Powerful Markup

Choose what to show, what to hide, and how it should appear: Footnotes, Breadcrumbs, Collapsible Content, etc.

Powerful Markup

Powerful Markup

Server side implementation can traverse directories, creating python modules, table of contents, sitemaps, cover-photos, and audio transcriptions.